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Kaolin Rokle

This type of kaolin is special filling kaolin for paper industry. Extremely low abrasion power and high brightness is its typical property.

Package and storage
Kaolin is delivered as granulate in a form of dried bits, mostly lose in railway wagon or trucks.
Delivery is also possible in 40 kg paper bags or 1 mt big bags.

Milled Kaolin Rokle

This type of kaolin is special filling kaolin for rubber industry. Extremely low abrasion power and high brightness is its typical property.

Package and storage
Milled kaolin Rokle is delivered in 1 mt big bag packages or in 40 kg paper bags.


Technical parameters

Properties Kaolin Rokle Milled kaolin Rokle
Loss on ignition 900°C (%) 12,86 12,86
Brightness (R 457 % abs.) min. 79 min. 79
Abrasion (AT 1 000 mg) max. 15 max. 15
Moisture (%) max. 12 < 1
pH 6,5 - 8,5 6,5 - 8,5
Grain fineness > 0,045 mm (%) max. 0,05 -
Grain fineness < 2 mm (%) min. 50 -
Particle size < 2 μm (%) - min. 50
Specific gravity (kg/m3) - 2 650
Bulk density (kg/m3) - 350 - 600
Specific surface Sg (m2/g) 10,7 10,7
Sieve residue 0,063 μm (%) - max. 0,05
Mass activity Index I max. 1 max. 1

Attached documents

Safety data sheet - Kaolin Rokle

Photo gallery

Kaolin Quarry Rokle 1 Brník 2

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