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Phonolite is volcanic effusion rock of a stable chemical analysis corresponding to non-phelinic syenite with phoids. It belongs to the group of phonolites. It is used as a fluxing agent in ceramic masses and glass batches where the contents colouring oxides is not decisive. Due to high contents of alkalis phonolite offers the possibility of cutting down the melting temperatures and reducing the firing time.


Piece or ground, sorted into fractions 0-1,25 mm, 0-2 mm, 0-3 mm and 0 -4 mm. Delivery of another grain size can be arranged directly with the staff of the mill. Piece goods can be transported bulk in ČD (Czech Railways) wagons or trucks. Fine fractions are delivered in big-bags or truck-cisterns.

Technical parameters and chemical analysis

Properties Phonolite
Bulk weight (kg/m3) 1 250 - 1 350
Start of shrinking (°C) 850
Start/end of sintering (°C) 1 080 - 1 180
Start of melting (°C) 1 320
Start of dispersing (°C) 1 380
Fe2O3 (%) max. 2,1
CaO (%) max. 1,3
Na2O (%) 8,5 - 11
K2O (%) 3,5 - 6,5
SiO2 (%) 54 - 58
MgO (%) max. 0,2

Attached documents

Safety data sheet - Phonolite

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