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Bentonites Bentonites with enhanced properties Bentonites for purifying of waste waters Characteristic / Bentonites Bentonites for foundry industry Bentonites for building industry Cat litters Metakaolin Kaolin Drying Agents - Dehydrosil Phonolite Clays Ceramic masses Chamotte mass Crushed sandstone

Bentonites for building industry

Bentonites for building industry are by means of selective extraction and technological processing targeted on exploitation of their extraordinary geological properties. These bentonites are noted for their high swelling capacity, for impenetrability of mixed and compacted layers and for sealing actions by maintenance and building of reservoirs, waterworks and waste depots. Further building bentonites are used as suspensions in boring works, for fixing of unstable underlying beds, in deep foundation, etc. Moreover specific properties of these bentonites enable their application as fluidifier in paste-like masses, plasters, mortars and concretes.

Bentonit GA

Is suitable for standard works in drilling industry, grouting, sealing of water constructions.

Bentonit GAE

This product is suitable for challenging works in deep wells, grouting in unstable subsoils, building and sealing of water construction, subsurface and sealing of waste materials depots.

Alternative Application
For the production of suspension fertilisers, plastification additive to paste masses, facades, mortars, concrete, granulating stabiliser in concrete products.

Not to be used
Waste waters purifying.


EKOBENT is a fine grained bentonite material with a wide use in environmental, agricultural, building and water service activities. The basis of this back fill is natural bentonite, which is specific for its high contents of montmorillonit - active mineral giving the product the excellent properties.

Sorption ability to retain

Re-cultivation ability

Sealing ability

Bentonit 75

Can be used as buffer for improving soil imperviousness, retaining of moister, powder extinguishers, plastification additive in mortars, facades and ceramic masses.

Technical parameters

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Attached documents

Safety data sheet - Activated bentonite

Related links

Characteristic / Bentonites

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