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Cooperation with Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation

Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation aims to help people in protecting and improving the environment. Over 20 years of its existence, supported by endowment of € 238 million crowns over 2722 projects.

Although KERAMOST, Plc.  is already in its direct mining activities governed by environmental standards, decided to go beyond financially support the publication of a brochure How to bet the tree. The proceeds from sales will be donated to planting and protecting trees in the Czech Republic, offsetting carbon dioxide emissions to help prevent climate change and creating space for wildlife.

Brochure How to bet the tree was officially christened at the Brno Exhibition Centre on 25 June 2011 Director of the Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation MVDr. Miroslav Kundrata, Chairman of the Board. Ing. Jiří Fila and important guest - singer Eva Pilarová.

In the brochure you can read how to properly planted tree to grow well and that it could look forward to the next generation. It is important to know not only the technology of planting, but also know where we planted a tree, what kind of choose that tree in the landscape must be protected against eaten by an animal, and in turn people against vandalism. We read in it as well, which has a tree in a city or landscape features or how to get involved in planting the general public

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