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The Project of Split

Ladies and gentlemen,

We take the liberty to inform you, that based upon the decision of the sole shareholder of the company KERAMOST, Plc.,  dated 28.11.2012,  the split of the Company KERAMOST, Plc. is coming into force as of 31st December, 2012 while 4 new successor Companies limited by Shares emerge thereof onto which the split off parts of the assets of the company KERAMOST, Plc. have been allotted as per denomination specified in the “Project of Split":

  1. KERACLAY, Plc., Registered Office: Oleška, Brník 76, Postal Code 281 63, Reg. No.: 29140277
  2. KERAKAOLIN, Plc., Registered Office Kadaň, Polní 638, Postal Code 432 01, Reg. No.: 22801201
  3. KERAIN, Plc.,  Registered Office  Most, Žatecká 1899/25, Postal Code 434 30, Reg. No.: 22801219
  4. KERAOUT, Plc., Registered Office: Plzeň, Guldenerova 485/3, Postal Code 326 00, Reg. No.: 29163391

Legal effects of this Division by Split in the sense of the provision of § 243 article 1, letter b), Sub article 1, in connection with provisions of § 244 Article 2 of Act No. 125/2008 Sb., on Transitions of the Business Companies and Cooperatives, in reading of later regulations thereof come into force as of the day 31st December, 2012. Commencing this very day the divided company KERAMOST, Plc. does not cease to exist, whilst the allotted part of its assets including possible rights and obligations resulting from labour legislation pass according to the “Project of Split” over to the newly emerged Successor Companies. 

For our customers and business partners is below available to download the official document on the "Notification of legal successorship". If you have any questions regarding the Project of split, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Attached documents

Notification of legal successorship - KERACLAY
Notification of legal successorship - KERAKAOLIN

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