Integrated Management System Policy
The company KERACLAY, Plc. introduced an integrated quality management system, environmental management yystem and also management system of health and safety. The company introduced and still keeps the system working in conformity with the Standard ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016, ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016 and ČSN ISO 45001:2018.
Within the scope of its activity the top management covenants:
- to improve constantly the introduced integrated management system
- to eliminate hazards and reduce risks in the field of occupational safety and health, reduce the number of accidents at work and harm employees health, ensure safe and healthy workplaces,
- to discuss OSH matters with the participation of employees or their representatives,
- to support fluently creation of needed human, material, technological and financial resources,
- to comply with the obligation to produce safe products,
- to educate, to train and to stimulate permanently all employees, so that they perform their activities in conformity with principals of environmental safety, with product quality needs and with requirements for safety and health-protection at work,
- to satisfy continuously the needs both of the customers and of the parties involved,
- to observe laws relevant for the company and other regulations of the parties involved,
- to plan reasonably the integrated management system, to check regularly
- its suitability and to expertise its efficiency,
- to fix and crosscheck the targets and targeted values in Quality, Environmental and Safety at Work and Health-Protecting spheres,
- to update the technological equipment and to improve work environment of the employees.
All employees are responsible for completing the integrated management system.
In Brník, 1.10.2019
Milan Topolančin
director of company
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