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Certification Reduction of emissions REACH Commercial Data KERACLAY, Plc. KERAKAOLIN, Plc. - MERGER KERAMOST, Plc. KERAIN, Plc. General Information The Project of Split


Notice of completed merger

We would like to inform you that on 1 October 2023 the business company KERAKAOLIN, a.s. was deleted from the commercial register of the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem. This company ceased to exist due to a merger with the company KERAMOST, a.s. as the successor company. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act on Transformations of Business Companies No. 125/2008 Coll. the assets of the defunct company were transferred to this successor company as of this date.

Successor company KERAMOST, a.s. takes over all rights and obligations, all contracts, obligations and claims, authorizations, licenses, certificates and, in the case of defunct companies, including rights and obligations from employment legal relations.

We are informing you of this fact so that in all matters of the defunct company you should contact the successor company as the universal legal successor of the defunct company. Creditors are reminded of their rights in accordance with §35 and 36 of the Act. 125/2008 Coll. as amended (Transformation Act).

Best regards


Ing. Zdeněk Vyskočil
general director - CEO

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