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Commercial Data General Information KERAMOST, Plc. KERACLAY, Plc. The Project of Split Certification Reduction of emissions REACH



Brník 76
CZ 281 63 Oleška
Tel.: +420 321 743 390 / the data box: catn4mf
E-mail: brnik@keraclay.cz 


History of the factory

Factory Brník was incorporated into the state enterprise Severočeské keramické závody Most in 1982. Until then it was a part of Moravské šamotové a lupkové závody Velké Opatovice. It was targeted and still is onto exploitation and processing of the whole range of clays from the territory Mid-Bohemian Cretaceous table. The mill Nehvizdy is also a part of this factory - the remains of the original giant plans both of already mentioned plant MŠLZ Velké Opatovice and the Headquarters - General director’s office of Czechoslovak ceramics manufacturers - to build up a manufacturing plant for processing of refractory fireproof clays for further use above all in ceramics.


Today’s range of products of Factory Brník includes many high-quality and special clays, which the customer gets in different processing stages. In accordance with the overall trend the factory is oriented on solving customer’s technological problems by completing complex casting and throwing masses and materials. The customer avoids thus purchase, operation and maintenance of the processing part of the production technology. This fact brings even more advantages. This modern philosophy, experienced staff and background of raw materials are preconditions or this factory’s prosperity.

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